Here they go again, beating up on Barack Obama to an extent that is so egregious it ought to invite federal examination.
Saturday Night Live, the show that is misnamed because it's sometimes so dull that it's deadly, and because it's so often not even live, but a re-run, has been shamelessly plugging Hillary Clinton in the still hot and heavy contest between her and Obama.
Just this past Saturday they again showed a stupid and stumbling Barack trying to answer a 3 a.m. call as he more or less humbly took advice from the powder-faced Hillary [done by Amy Poehler, photo, left].
As we all know, these are essentially free and very valuable ads; and the best of these were handed out by SNL to the Clinton campaign back when it ran the mock piece of TV journalists fawning and falling all over Barack. That skit played well into the argument Clinton was making at the time, that the media was on the side of her opponent.
Clinton whined endlessly, as she effectively re-ran that skit over and again.
Now comes the ABC (Abominably Bad Correspondents) Debate from last week, the one that has caused fair-minded journalists to complain about the remarkably trite and unfair questions posed by ABC's Charles Gibson and (former Clinton administration flak) George Stephanapoulos, and how does SNL deal with it?
It ignored it, as it ignored Hillary Clinton's almost unbelievably arrogant assertions that Obama's people have been whining about the debate. (Or it was ignored in the first 45 minutes or so that I watched. I fell asleep.)
The low-class boldness of it all is astounding.
And so, by the way, regarding this free advertising that Clinton has been receiving, will it (and any other violations having to do with use of the commercial airways for blatant political purposes) be investigated by the feds?