I had once even suggested, without any disrespect to the memory of Tim Russert, that Russert may have lost steam and energy in his final days because he was missing the sometimes extremely irritating energy of Hillary Clinton in her campaign against Barack Obama (see the "Post Hillary Blues").
Yes, she's gone and race-baiting just ain't the same when McCain does it (or, okay, when he accuses Obama of doing it).
John Stewart seems to agree. Here he is saying what countless hundreds of thousands of Americans must be thinking: This campaign is getting kind of dull.
Call it the summer doldrums but maybe it's something more basic than that, having to do with the personality of McCain and his inability to vent the anger he is so clearly feeling inside at the ability of Obama to glide so (let's say it) presidentially along while he remains so, from all the video anyway, unzapped.
Well, use some imagination. Think of the Clintons being back and all voters singing happy (or better maybe, angry and bitter) days are here again!