Who's Brooklyn Ron?

  • Brooklyn Ron is Ron Howell, a veteran journalist now teaching journalism at Brooklyn College, in the Republic of Brooklyn

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« Clintons' First Volley at Obama. Stephanopoulos is the Cannon | Main | Hillary: Remember How McCain Offended Chelsea! Be as Tough on Him as You Were on Obama »

August 24, 2008



As a strong Obama supporter, I found myself astonished to find that Mr Rangel, along with most of the other members of the Harlem political elite were early Clinton supporters. There were, I think, two reasons for this.....first of all, it would simply have been "impolitic" for a member of the New York delegation to vote against a sitting Senator from the same state;and secondly, I don't think that they believed that Obama had the "wherewithal" to go all the way; and to have supported him would have dashed a long standing (if not wholly fulfilling) alliance. Politics as usual. What did they know?

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Website for Ron's book, "Boss of Black Brooklyn"

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