Perhaps nothing has so clearly reflected Brooklyn's demographic changes as the election night clashes between police and young residents celebrating the victory of Barack Obama.
The most poetic reality of that evening and following morning was its similarity to past treatment of minorities, especially Latinos and Blacks, by police in New York City.
These Williamsburg revelers -- some of whom were soon to be arrestees -- were mostly young whites, politically progressive and representative of the social transformations that have hit the regal borough in the past decade or so.
The changes have upset some of the older folk, who at a Nov. 17 meeting expressed their frustrations with the new, noisier inhabitants; and the changes have also strained relations with police, tensions noted in a Brooklyn Paper article referring to the newcomers as "hipsters."
It was perhaps only to be expected that many of the hipsters, on election night, would have been armed with digital video cameras, leading to some interesting visual accounts of what transpired. One of the clipped reels has audio of the bygone song, "Stop, Hey, What's That Sound," which can be seen and heard by clicking below. (Note: another posted clip follows that one.)
Here's another that ends with a fellow saying he was arrested for "not being on the sidewalk."